Welcome to the Mobile Robotic Hardware Jungle! Choose the Hardware That Better Adapts to Your Needs

Looking to source hardware for Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) or Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGVs)? Learn what it is a stake when choosing hardware for mobile robotic applications.

How Can a Hardware OEM Help you Improve Security at Every Level?

Given the devastating consequences of cyberattacks, protecting your company should be a priority. Did you hear about the recent attack to the Fuel Pipeline in the United States of America?...

Order 66: When Supply Chain Leaves Hardware Vulnerable to Attacks

If you are a Star Wars fan, you probably are familiar with order 66. A chip was inserted in the brain of Clones to moderate their behavior and insert instructions. This chip included Order 66, an...

5 Tips on How to Apply Hardware Hardening to Your Facilities

So far, we have been analyzing strategies and techniques to avoid hardware attacks that can be requested or purchased during the manufacturing stage. But what happens if you have legacy equipment,...

Common Hardware Security Threats and How to Avoid Them

Hardware attacks do not usually make the news. But they can capture headlines. Gaining physical access to hardware is difficult but not impossible. After all, this can be a way to conduct corporate...
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