Are Edge Computing and IOT Helping Companies Build the Metaverse Today?

Internet of Things promises that by connecting devices to the network you could leverage data to improve productivity, efficiency, and ROI. Edge computing promises to solve latency problems and...

The Reality of the Metaverse: How Companies Are Leveraging Digital Twins?

Are you dreaming about entering a virtual duplicate of your factory to monitor and correctly diagnose potential problems without visiting the physical facility? This idea is not new at all. It is...

Understanding Hardware Considerations Related to Patients, Security, and Customization in the Medical Industry

We value life and health. Life expectancy has increased consistently in the last century, and we have found treatments and cures for different diseases. The pandemic has also proven that we have the...

Features to Determine the Best Display for A Specific Medical Application

We might be closer to reaching the final frontier in space. After all, we sent the Perseverance to Mars in 2020. But there are other “final frontiers” to conquer here on Earth. And we are not talking...

Why Medical OEMS Need Customized, Industrial Boards?

In a previous post we talked about the differences and applications of developer boards and industrial boards. We briefly discussed compatibility, product life, certifications, sizing, and security....
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